Autism in Middle and Old Age: What Do We Know, What Do We Need to Know?
Research suggests that autistic adults face more health problems than others as they get older. What do we really know about autism in middle and old age?
Learn MoreFew people used to think about the risk of suicide among people on the autism spectrum. Researchers rarely studied it. Primary care doctors did not routinely ask about it. Most families had no idea that their sons and daughters with autism faced any particular risk of suicide. But that has changed in the past decade.
Learn more about suicide and autism in the features listed below.
Browse Topics A-ZResearch suggests that autistic adults face more health problems than others as they get older. What do we really know about autism in middle and old age?
Learn MoreCould doctors identify autistic youth who are thinking about suicide, before a crisis occurs? Learn what researchers are doing now to help prevent suicide.
Learn MorePeople on the autism spectrum face a troubling risk of suicide. What’s the risk, and why?
Learn MoreWhat are we learning about severe autism, mental health, and challenging behaviors from a sister study to SPARK?
Learn MoreView this important recorded webinar on autism and depression presented by a clinician, a researcher, and a social worker with autism.
Learn MoreJonathan stopped talking and sleeping before he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. How common is this diagnosis in people with autism?
Learn MorePeople with autism have higher rates of depression than others. What treatments are being used with them?
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