Discover SPARK
Webinar: The Future of SPARK and Autism Research
Date Published: April 22, 2021
In this recorded webinar, Dr. Wendy Chung provides an overview of the SPARK study, what has been accomplished, and where autism research, in general, is headed.
Who is Wendy Chung?
Wendy Chung, M.D., Ph.D., serves as the principal investigator (P.I.) of SPARK, overseeing all aspects of SPARK development, with an emphasis on genetic research components of the project. She is also the P.I. for Simons Searchlight, which characterizes behavior and brain structure and function in participants with genetic variants believed to play a role in autism spectrum disorders and other neurodevelopmental disorders. As principal investigator of SPARK, she is leading the effort to build a community of individuals with autism and their families, working with them to better understand the causes of autism, and to develop better means of supporting individuals with the condition.
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