Webinar: Autism BrainNet-Advancing Research through the Gift of Brain Donation
In this recorded webinar, the speakers discuss brain research and Autism BrainNet, a resource for postmortem brain tissue.
Learn MoreThe articles and webinars below highlight the latest autism research findings made possible by SPARK participants, researchers, and others throughout the world. You can also read about the autism journeys of SPARK families.
To browse through our articles, webinars, and family stories by topic, view our Topics in Autism page.
Browse Topics A-ZIn this recorded webinar, the speakers discuss brain research and Autism BrainNet, a resource for postmortem brain tissue.
Learn MoreYou’re bombarded with information about autism interventions. How can you tell if there’s scientific evidence for them? A SPARK researcher explains what research is — and isn’t.
Learn MoreEn el siguiente seminario web, Estrategias Para el Manego de Comportamientos Difíciles, la Dra.Rosmary Ros-Demarize presentará sobre problemas de conducta en niños pequeños.
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Learn MoreYou have received your SPARK saliva kit(s). Now what? This article provides resources that can help.
Learn MoreIn this recorded webinar, Robin Kochel, Ph.D., talks about how to evaluate research opportunities and explains why participation in research is so valuable.
Learn MoreThe road to adulthood begins for many teens when they graduate from high school and move on to a first job or college. But for people with autism, leaving high school is a more monumental step, one that will transform their relationship to services. How can they prepare?
Learn MoreIn this recorded webinar, the speakers discuss Medicaid, Medicare, and health insurance for aging autistic adults.
Learn MoreWhat do you do when you think your child might have autism, but others don’t? How one mother’s push for answers led to two diagnoses.
Learn MoreWhich autistic people are most likely to learn something from a DNA test? And what does DNA tell us about why autism differs in each person? The SPARK study has answers.
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