Is Autism Different in Girls?
Is autism different in girls? Learn how SPARK participants are helping researchers create a clearer picture of girls on the spectrum.
Learn MoreGirls and women with autism face a host of challenges with diagnosis, services, and daily life that boys and men may not face. These articles, webinars, and personal stories describe the challenges and triumphs of girls and women on the spectrum.
Browse Topics A-ZIs autism different in girls? Learn how SPARK participants are helping researchers create a clearer picture of girls on the spectrum.
Learn MoreEliza had an ADHD diagnosis growing up, but she knew there was more. In her 20s, she learned that she’s autistic. Why did it take so long?
Learn MoreThis SPARK Research Match Summary Report describes research about youths’ menstrual product preferences.
Learn MoreWhat menstrual products do autistic youth prefer? A new SPARK study answers that question.
Learn MoreSPARK Snapshots summarize the data that we have collected. View our latest, which provides a window into the journey of SPARK participants.
Learn MoreSarah had many classic signs of autism, but no one suspected it in the quiet girl who never made a fuss. Why did she have to wait until adulthood to get a diagnosis?
Learn MoreIn this recorded webinar, Ericka Wodka, Ph.D., discusses recent research on autism in girls and women.
Learn MoreMary Lipiec got a letter asking her to join an autism study called SPARK. But first, she had one question: Were they looking for a cure?
Learn MoreHeather Bensch knew her daughter was different since infancy. Twenty years later, SPARK told her it had discovered why.
Learn MoreA SPARK family had early suspicions that their children might have autism, but that did not lead to early diagnoses. Why was their journey so long?
Learn MoreSince her diagnosis, Vonda better understands how she interacts with the world, interacts with her husband and mother, and how she mothers her three sons.
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