Topic: Parenting

This collection of articles and webinars provides a wide range of perspectives from researchers, clinicians, and parents on how to guide children with autism to help them find their way in the world. It also provides guidance on how parents can take care of themselves along the way.

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Community Spotlight: Autism Advocate Rico Winston

The Marine Corps helped instill in Rico Winston a strong belief in duty. So when his son was diagnosed with autism, he knew what he must do. He immersed himself in learning about autism, and advocating for research and services to help others like his son.

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Supporting Parents in Early Autism Treatment

In this webinar, Melanie Pellecchia, Ph.D., NCSP, BCBA, discusses advances in early autism treatment and strategies to support parents in the implementation of early intervention techniques. This webinar is 60 minutes long.

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Stress and the Autism Parent

Researchers have taken notice of parental stress in families of children with autism. More than a few studies report that parents of children with autism experience more stress than parents of typical-developing children and parents of children with Down Syndrome.

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Caregiver Stress in Families of Children with Autism

In this webinar, Amy Keefer, Ph.D., ABPP, discusses parental stress and coping strategies in families of children with autism. This is a joint webinar with SSC@IAN (Simons Simplex Collection at the Interactive Autism Network). This webinar is 60 minutes long.

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Supersized Research

To understand the genetics of autism, scientists have to study a lot of people. Pamela Feliciano, Ph.D., SPARK’s scientific director, discusses the challenges of engaging a large group in research.

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